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Star Wars: The Old Republic
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The Wolf,who fell in love with The Angel
The Wolf,who fell in love with The Angel

Возраст: 42
Зарегистрирован: 31.01.2006
Сообщения: 20321
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург

СообщениеДобавлено: 12 Январь, 2011 16:13    Заголовок сообщения: Star Wars: The Old Republic Ответить с цитатой

Жанр: MMORPG Sci-Fi
Разработчик: BioWare & LucasArts
Издательство: BioWare & LucasArts
Язык: US
Подписка: Не известно

Что такое Star Wars™: The Old Republic™?
Star Wars: The Old Republic представляет собой новый подход к онлайновым развлечениям, и включает в себя притягательный сюжет, динамичные бои и продвинутых персонажей-компаньонов. Место действия игры – галактика Star Wars, примерно через триста лет после событий Star Wars™: Knights of the Old Republic™.

Это ММО-игра?
Да, Star Wars: The Old Republic – это ММО-игра, или «массовая мультиплеерная онлайновая игра». Star Wars: The Old Republic позволит тысячам игроков исследовать, рисковать, и сражаться в одиночной игровой сессии.

Могу я играть в одиночку?
Несмотря на то, что в игре некоторые задания не могут быть выполнены без помощи других игроков, большую часть игры можно пройти в одиночку.

Что такое BioWare?
BioWare разрабатывает компьютерные, консольные, портативные и онлайновые видеоигры, сердцем которых являются яркие сюжетные линии и запоминающиеся персонажи. Начиная с 1995 года, BioWare выпустила несколько бестселлеров игрового мира, включая серии Baldur's Gate™, Neverwinter Nights™ и Star Wars™: Knights of the Old Republic™. Оригинальной, созданной BioWare интеллектуальной собственностью являются Jade Empire™ и Игра Года 2007, Mass Effect™. В студиях Эдмонтона, Канада, и Остина, Техас, BioWare трудится над эпической фэнтезийной РПГ Dragon Age™: Origins, и над несколькими неанонсированными проектами. В 2008г. BioWare была приобретена одним из мировых ведущих издателей электронных игр, Electronic Arts. Для получения дополнительной информации о BioWare, посетите www.bioware.com.

Что такое LucasArts?
LucasArts, компания Lucasfilm Ltd., является передовым разработчиком и издателем интерактивных развлекательных программ для игровых видеоконсолей, компьютеров и Интернета по всему миру. Расположенная в Сан-Франциско, Калифорния, а так же в Интернете, на сайте www.lucasarts.com, LucasArts была создана в 1982 году Джорджем Лукасом для внедрения интерактивного элемента в его видение современного уровня развития искусства, и является многосторонней развлекательной компанией.

Чем отличается Star Wars: The Old Republic от других ММО?
Star Wars: The Old Republic будет похожа на другие ММО, но с некоторыми ключевыми инновациями. Традиционно, ММО строятся на трех колоннах: Исследование, Бой, и Прогрессирование. Мы в BioWare и LucasArts верим, что существует четвертая колонна: Сюжет. Нашей миссией является создание игр с лучшими сюжетами в мире. Мы уверены, что притягивающие внимание, интерактивные сюжетные линии в Star Wars: The Old Republic являются значительным нововведением в ММО-игры, и предложат доселе неизведанный опыт игры.

За какие расы и классы я смогу играть?
В игре будут представлены 2 фракции: Галактическая Республика (Galactic Republic) и Империя Ситов (The Sith Empire)

Jedi Consular
Jedi Knight
Bounty Hunter
Imperial Agent
Sith Inquisitor
Sith Warrior

Смогу ли я путешествовать в другие миры?
Да, вы сможете путешествовать по многим планетам, существующим в фильмах по Star Wars и игре Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Кроме того, будет введено несколько новых планет и звездных систем для исследований.

Смогу ли я встать под знамена Темной или Светлой стороны Силы?
Да, во время выбора персонажа вы присоединитесь к Республике или Империи Ситхов (Sith). В дополнение, по ходу игры вам придется принимать множество решений, которые смогут изменить ваш путь к Светлой или Темной стороне Силы.

В какое время происходят события Star Wars: The Old Republic по отношению к фильмам?
События Star Wars: The Old Republic происходят более чем за 3500 лет до появления Дарта Вейдера (Darth Vader). Мощнейшая в истории Империя Стихов появилась из глубокого космоса для атаки Республики и ее легендарных стражей Джедай. После десятков лет войны была кратковременная передышка в боевых действиях между Империей Ситхов и Республикой, но события, происходящие в игре, вновь ввергают галактику в пучину войны.

Каким образом Star Wars: The Old Republic относится к Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?
Действие Star Wars: The Old Republic разворачиваются примерно триста лет спустя после событий Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR). По окончанию Гражданской войны Джедаев в KOTOR, Реван исчез в неизвестном направлении в поисках великого оружия против Республики, расширяющейся Империи Ситхов, ведомой таинственным Императором, планировавшим отомстить своим древним врагам-Джедаям. Реван не вернулся из космоса, но вернулась Империя Ситхов, раздувая пламя войны с Республикой, длившейся десятилетия. Теперь, несмотря на хрупкий мир, созданный Советом Корусанта (Treaty of Coruscant), напряжение между разделенными звездными системами вновь угрожает расколом галактики.

Увижу ли я в игре персонажей из Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?
Напомним, что прошло примерно 300 лет после событий Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, поэтому многие персонажи уже скончались. Тем не менее, их наследие живет, поскольку многие из их последователей станут частью Star Wars: The Old Republic. Некоторые дроиды тоже могут прослужить долго.

Когда будет выпущена Star Wars: The Old Republic?
Дата выхода Star Wars: The Old Republic не установлена. Чтобы обладать информацией о статусе Star Wars: The Old Republic, обязательно подпишитесь на нашу новостную рассылку. Мы так же хотим, чтобы вы посетили наш официальный вебсайт, чтобы следить за регулярными обновлениями контента.

Будет ли Star Wars: The Old Republic выпущена в разных странах?
Star Wars: The Old Republic выйдет одновременно во многих странах мира, и сервис будет локализован на нескольких языках. Детали можно будет узнать позже.

Какова будет стоимость игры в Star Wars: The Old Republic?
Ценовая политика Star Wars: The Old Republic будет определена и опубликована позже.

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SW-TOR по русски
Статус: в разработке

Star Wars The Old Republic - Deceived Trailer HD


Star Wars: The Old Republic Cinematic Trailer - E3 2010


Hikari WoE|MvP|PvM 99/68 High Wizard {Roses}
Хикару - ацкий смит барыга {Trading Roses} GoldenGirl - ацкий мерк барыга {GM Witherless Roses}

Мы забытое поколение, которое любит "пихать кнопки компа, жрать чипсы и пить пиво на тусовках"(С) Neaxion
"Человек - это часть целого, которое мы называем Вселенной, часть, ограниченная во времени и в пространстве"(C) Альберт Эйнштейн

И не сомкнуть кольцо седых холмов, И узок путь по лезвию дождя, И не ищи - ты не найдешь следов, Что Воин Вереска оставил, уходя.
Воин Вереска(C)Хэлависа группа Мельница
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Lord GAD
Roses Gardener
Roses Gardener

Возраст: 24
Зарегистрирован: 04.02.2006
Сообщения: 1817

СообщениеДобавлено: 12 Январь, 2011 18:40    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

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The Wolf,who fell in love with The Angel
The Wolf,who fell in love with The Angel

Возраст: 42
Зарегистрирован: 31.01.2006
Сообщения: 20321
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург

СообщениеДобавлено: 03 Февраль, 2011 14:30    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Star Wars: The Old Republic — Новая информация о дате выхода

Выступая перед инвесторами, финансовый директор Electronic Arts Эрик Браун заявил, что значительные деньги, вложенные ЕА в разработку Star Wars: The Old Republic, можно будет вернуть «с легкостью». Даже имея всего полмиллиона подписчиков, игра будет, по его словам, «в общем прибыльной», но это будут не те прибыли, которыми сможет похвастать ЕА.

«Любая цифра свыше миллиона подписчиков означает очень доходный бизнес», – сказал Браун.

Также, видимо в ответ на многочисленные слухи, Браун добавил: «В последнее время в различных блогах было много разговоров с указанием потраченных сумм, которые намного превосходят те средства, что мы вложили. Не читайте "геймерские блоги", если вам нужны реальные данные. Некоторые из них вызывают улыбку, но они также приводят в разочарование тех, кто отвечает за управление финансами ЕА, когда они читают ложные сведения в информационных выпусках».

Завершая свое выступление, Браун подтвердил, что выход The Old Rebublic по-прежнему намечен на период с 31 марта по 31 декабря 2011 года. Совсем недавно мы писали о том, что запуск игры возможен в сентябре. Это все более и более вероятно.

Напомним, что ранее игра была анонсирована на «весну 2011».

Официальный форум BioWare Russian Community

Hikari WoE|MvP|PvM 99/68 High Wizard {Roses}
Хикару - ацкий смит барыга {Trading Roses} GoldenGirl - ацкий мерк барыга {GM Witherless Roses}

Мы забытое поколение, которое любит "пихать кнопки компа, жрать чипсы и пить пиво на тусовках"(С) Neaxion
"Человек - это часть целого, которое мы называем Вселенной, часть, ограниченная во времени и в пространстве"(C) Альберт Эйнштейн

И не сомкнуть кольцо седых холмов, И узок путь по лезвию дождя, И не ищи - ты не найдешь следов, Что Воин Вереска оставил, уходя.
Воин Вереска(C)Хэлависа группа Мельница
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The Wolf,who fell in love with The Angel
The Wolf,who fell in love with The Angel

Возраст: 42
Зарегистрирован: 31.01.2006
Сообщения: 20321
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 Июнь, 2011 11:42    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Как попасть в ЗБТ гайд с Гохи
Операфанам и хромоюзерам на заметку: сканирование работает только и исключительно в ИЕ и ФФ.

Список стран, которые получили инвайты:

Следующая раздача ключей должна быть в течение 10 дней

Hikari WoE|MvP|PvM 99/68 High Wizard {Roses}
Хикару - ацкий смит барыга {Trading Roses} GoldenGirl - ацкий мерк барыга {GM Witherless Roses}

Мы забытое поколение, которое любит "пихать кнопки компа, жрать чипсы и пить пиво на тусовках"(С) Neaxion
"Человек - это часть целого, которое мы называем Вселенной, часть, ограниченная во времени и в пространстве"(C) Альберт Эйнштейн

И не сомкнуть кольцо седых холмов, И узок путь по лезвию дождя, И не ищи - ты не найдешь следов, Что Воин Вереска оставил, уходя.
Воин Вереска(C)Хэлависа группа Мельница
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Возраст: 36
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2007
Сообщения: 494
Откуда: Таллинн

СообщениеДобавлено: 28 Июнь, 2011 22:12    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

смотрю закрытые-стримы чувака с беты, пока что игра доставляет сюжетом и боевкой.

собираюсь брать, мб даже заброшу вов, если контент для хай лвла достоен
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Veteran of Roses
Veteran of Roses

Возраст: 37
Зарегистрирован: 01.02.2006
Сообщения: 2315
Откуда: я могу знать?

СообщениеДобавлено: 02 Июль, 2011 18:09    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

ссылку на стримы в студию

EVE ONLINE - Emoroller - Vaga/Curse pilot
NavyField - Emmoler - Bismark captain
LoL US server - DesertDogFish 25 lvl
LoL EU server - Emoroller 30 lvl
MOTR - MuraviedIII - minstrel
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The Wolf,who fell in love with The Angel
The Wolf,who fell in love with The Angel

Возраст: 42
Зарегистрирован: 31.01.2006
Сообщения: 20321
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 Июль, 2011 11:54    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Комиксы Pro Tips(с переводом)

Kill 10 Rats


Hikari WoE|MvP|PvM 99/68 High Wizard {Roses}
Хикару - ацкий смит барыга {Trading Roses} GoldenGirl - ацкий мерк барыга {GM Witherless Roses}

Мы забытое поколение, которое любит "пихать кнопки компа, жрать чипсы и пить пиво на тусовках"(С) Neaxion
"Человек - это часть целого, которое мы называем Вселенной, часть, ограниченная во времени и в пространстве"(C) Альберт Эйнштейн

И не сомкнуть кольцо седых холмов, И узок путь по лезвию дождя, И не ищи - ты не найдешь следов, Что Воин Вереска оставил, уходя.
Воин Вереска(C)Хэлависа группа Мельница
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Возраст: 36
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2007
Сообщения: 494
Откуда: Таллинн

СообщениеДобавлено: 24 Июль, 2011 17:27    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Exclusive Tester Q&A #12

Q : A question regarding Jedi Consulars and Sith Inquisitors.
Does the baseline class archetype still get a healing ability (Benevolence and Dark Heal respectively, if I'm not mistaken) pre-level 8 in the current build? Do Jedi Shadows and Sith Assassins get access to this basic heal (not asking about exact talent support or scaling with stats - just availability)?

No, you do not get a regular heal unless you go Sorc / Sage. However, at level 46 the archtype gets an ability called Sacrifice (do not know the Sage name, I don't play goodie two-shoes faction) that kills your companion and heals you for 40% of max health.
I have not played Assassin / Shadow, so I do not know if there are some heals in their spell books.

Q : I know there is no auto attack but there is a standard attack (either with your lightsaber or your blaster) for each class. If you right click an enemy will it do that standard attack once or do you have to click or press your hot-key?

All classes have a “default” no energy cost attack. Right clicking will use whichever ability you have in action slot 1. So I suggest putting your no-cost in that one.

Q : Does the bounty hunter healing spec have any kind of cleanse mechanic? If so what ability is it and how does it work?

Yes they do. Mechanics is similar to how it works in WoW, and there's a talent to improve it.

Q : In previous Q+A sessions, it was said that questing is the most viable way to gain exp.
(the tester said if you try to lvl by grinding creatures, it will take a long time)

I am not the guy who has answered before, but this is correct. Leveling in SWTOR plays more like Mass Effect / KotOR than it does WoW, if you catch my drift. It's a story experience.

Q : In Q+A 11, the tester said, about flashpoints, " Aside from the massive XP gain"
Is running flashpoints over and over a good way to lvl? I like to run quests as much as anyone,
but sometimes its fun to just crush instances over and over to grind out that last lvl needed for a mount,
or whatever. Is this viable?

Sort of. If you do a flashpoint at the level intended, you can get pretty decent xp for it, assuming you don't have a high level in your team ruining it. This is similar to other MMOs. Could you level from 47 to 50 in the level 47 flashpoint? Technically, yes. I wouldn't want to do it.

Q : On July 20th the severs were being taken down. Is the new build up? are there any major changes to note?
or is it just added polish? Any previous complaints that are now addressed?
Not just a new build, but a completely new client. I haven't had time to play much after that (it's only 2 days ago, guys), so I don't want to venture any guess about the amount of fixes. But the old version was over 1 month old, and since it required a completely new client, I'd imagine they've put some effort into it.

Q : It was recently said that cover is useless in pvp (paraphrasing) Have pvpers learned to use cover to their advantage,
is cover just broken as far as pvp? or does it need work?
Useless is a bit strong, but personally I am not a fan of being stationary. I am sure good PvPers are going to find a way to work it into awesomeness, but personally - not loving it.

Q : We know that light saber wielders will be the majority. Will this make non force users more desirable in a guild or raid,
or are they so balanced, that it doesnt matter who you take? I am thinking back to wow being stuck will all
druid healers, and looking for a disc priest to add the shield, etc. And if so, can you comment on
what healing or tanking abilities are handy to take long? We already know that SI and JC get
battle rez. This may influence how raiders will roll.
We do not have access to any raids yet, so it's a guesstimate for me. It seems to me at this time that the roles are fairly evenly balanced, and it's not going to be a huge issue whether your tank is a Juggernaut or a Powertech; however, when it comes to loot distribution, chances are pretty good you'd appreciate being an underplayed class.

Q : Can a character that starts on Hutta (say, an Agent) do the Black Talon with someone on Korriban (say, a Warrior) the first time in order to use it as a way to get to Dromund Kaas? Additionally, once you get to Dromund Kaas, can you do the Black Talon with someone still on a starter world before you obtain your class ship?

Yes, everyone ends up at the same spaceport, where Black Talon (and whatever the nice-guys version is called).
And yes, you can also return there from Dromund Kaas. You just have to find the right shuttle, and the game doesn't really explain which one to take, but hopefully BioWare will add some labels to the map to make it easier to understand.

Q : Do Jedi knights use the same 'rage' mechanic that Sith Warriors use or do they have a different system? I really hope it's something similar to a mana bar.

Same system. The Sith / Jedi classes are pretty much 100% mirrors of each other mechanically. There's more variation in the non-force users classes. The stories are widely different, of course.

Q : Has there been any one on the beta forums running tor on a linux machine though wine?

I have tried it, it's… technically doable, but a Very Very Bad Idea™.

Q : Whats the story behind the Sith Emperor and who is he?

I won't comment on story line spoilers.

Q : What happened to the Exile and our companions from Kotor 1 and 2?

Some of them make cameos in the story, some small, some large. I'm sure everyone knows about HK-47 by now. That being said, I don't really want to give away too much in terms of story.

Q : I enjoy tanking and like the idea of ranged tanks. However, I'm a bit concerned that it will be too easy and kind of boring, because, as I see it, you just have to stand in one spot without the necessity to ever move.
Attacking a spread out trash pack? Just stand there, tab through targets and shoot everything.
Adds spawn in a boss encounter and run towards the healer? Just stand there, tab through and shoot.
Melee tanks most likely have a much harder time managing those situations, having to rely on line of sight to get ranged mobs, moving a lot to get adds from the group etc.
I don't know if you have played ranged tanks yourself, but maybe you have grouped with some or read about this on the beta forums. I'd apreciate any info you might have.

I have both a 50 powertech and a 50 mercenary. I enjoy ranged tanking; yes, the ranged abilities do give us some added tools in terms of picking up stray adds. Not to the level of imbalancing.
Again though, BioWare hasn't given us access to raids yet, so this is for 4 man content; which isn't too challenging to tank for any class.

Q : In KOTOR if you obtained one of the special color crystals, or simply a color you liked you could upgrade or make a new saber and transfer that color crystal over. With the CE showing that there will be a special color issued is the same mechanic used for TOR? Will the color crystals transfer if we don't want to use the standard green/blue/red hues?

You cannot take a color crystal out of a lightsaber after fitting it. I assume this is not the case for the pre-order bonus (that'd be retarded). That being said, color crystals are fairly easy to get hold off in any color you want. It appears that BioWare wants you to have access to these fairly easily so you can customize.
And yes, color crystals do have stats. They are fairly small stat boosts, and you can find any stat/color combination, so your role isn't going to limit you to specific colors.

Q : Could you please tell me around what level you will get all your companions and if any of you has experience with the Jedi Consular would you mind telling me if it is a fun class with a good story? Thank you guys.

It varies a little from class to class. Generally, you get the first one around level 7-8, second one is your ship droid (so around level 15). Third one most classes get on Tatooine (around level 25). Fourth one you get at the end of Chapter 1 of your story, which is around level 32-34 (Taris usually). The fifth one you get at Hoth (around 38) and the sixth one you get at Belsavis (45-ish).
This is all for Imperial side. The planets come in a different order for Republics, and I haven't played Republic side enough to really know.
Not played Consular, but I do have a Jedi Knight. I love that story, at least.

To some degree, the choices you make as a Jedi are more meaningful; they actually require you to weigh the pros and cons. As a Sith, it's pretty much either “be evil” or “be a pussy”.

Q : I would like to know if all healing AC have their own healing mechanism with different specialization (such as more oriented on single heal, AOE, HoT, etc.) a la WoW. And if so, can you elaborate a bit about each mechanism as far as you can ?

I have only healed as BH; there's various mechanics, some shields (Earth Shield), some HoTs (although they pretty much suck at the moment) and the regular “big heal” and “small heal” functions you see from all MMOs.

It appears to me healing is fairly similar from class to class, but again, I've only healed on Merc.

Q : How large is Korriban? Are the stat bonuses on color crystals balanced, or will there be "superior" colors? And is there any chance of the lightsaber color restrictions being removed with some feedback, or is it set in stone?

Korriban isn't very large. In general, planets get larger the further into content you get. The first planet (Sith side) that feels properly large is Tatooine. Then Alderaan gets even bigger, Hoth becomes huge, etc.
Yes, color crystals are balanced. As for whether there are superior colors; not at the moment at least. Could it be that there are some unique ones that drop from raids? Who knows. Not seen any yet.
I doubt the color restrictions will be removed, but just pick your LS / DS alignment based on the color you want if you absolutely want a Red/Green/Blue saber.

Q : How is the conversation system in terms of complexity? In leaks up to now we've only seen the right/decision portion of the ME conversation wheel, how about the "explore the back story" options on the left of said wheel? Is there ever a time (in your class story for instance) you get those options to just question an NPC for more information, or are all dialogues basically just trading one liners? I can see how that is a necessity for MP dialogues but I'm kinda hopeful that your personal story interaction is closer to ME in terms of not being so "dumbed down". Is that a fools hope?

You do sometimes get the opportunity to dig into the story a little more. It's very clear when those options are present, you typically get one alternative that says “Ok, I'll go do it” and the other one is “Wait, what?!?”.

Q : Can you please explain the current state of the guards? Are town raids possible?

Starting worlds and home planets are completely off limits. Towns on the remaining planets can be visited and invaded. It doesn't actually serve any purpose, but yeah you could take your Sith friends to Anchorhead and slaughter all their guards if you want.

Q : Does the Assassin/Shadow have a equivalent distance closer to the Force Leap ability of the Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight?

Yes. Force Spring is their gap closer (arch type ability). Increases speed by 150% for a few seconds, does not break stealth.

Q : One tester suggested, if you don't spend your money, except on training you will have enough to get your speeder etc at 25. This seems to be an MMO standard. But IMHO if you group all the time in MMO's, & group cash was your only source of game cash/group drops, that you tend to fall far short of the money needed for a mount & training by the expected level. This seems odd, since MMO's are supposed to be about social gaming, most MMO's give a bonus to exp for grouping, but no bonus to cash. Thus if you divide the cash gained by the number of people in the group equally, you end up getting that much less money. I.E. if there are 4 people in the group you will be short of the amount needed for a mount by a factor of 4 unless you kill 4 times as many mobs as a solo person, which is fine in an MMO that has no penalty for farming kills. But since this game is "story based" & they don't want people to "farm exp or kills", how do you think people who group all the time will be able to make up for that cash amount? Will they mostly turn to buying gold? Will they have to become crafters? Or will they just have to farm instances? Do you think BW needs to add a cash bonus for each member in the group?

Money is not a big issue, unless you're an idiot. I've had more money than I need through every level, and that includes the speeder & speeder skills upgrades.

In short; don't buy EVERY crafting schematic you can find - buy the ones you need. Don't keep sending your companions on missions 24/7, try to gather resources in nature yourself.

If you don't waste your money, the game is fairly generous about keeping your bank roll decent.

Q : My group currently appears to be a BH powertech tank & 2 dps IA (currently 1 is leaning sniper, the other aoe), with Mako for heals. Do you think that group will be fine? Will the BH powertech be able to keep aggro & tank? Will Mako be able to keep the group healed. Do IA get a base heal before they choose an AC? Do BH's get a base heal before they get an AC. It was suggested that such skills stay with you throughout your leveling, though maybe weak. I hope, since BW has allowed these classes to focus on a healing tree, that they give them a small taste of their healing capabilities before they have them choose an AC they can never turn back from. Would they be able to use those "base" heals to help mako heal in tough situations? Are "medpacks" , the equivilent of other MMO's potions, plentiful enough to be used for emergencey heals as in most MMO's? In your opinion could such a group truly be able to do instances?

Companion healing is bad. Really bad. Hopefully it will get fixed, because it appears it does not scale very well to stats.
That being said, 4man content isn't horribly challenging, if your people know what they are doing, and you have a dps who also has some secondary healing capacity (Sorc, Merc, Operative), you should get through it fine.

Q : It appears to me that BW is trying to use heavy cash sinks & a shared (between factions) economy to keep the economy balanced. From the videos I have seen, it seems things are far too expensive & the mobs drop far to little cash, do you think BW's current sink heavy idea will work? As I believe heavy cash sink economies actually help to sell farmer gold, & actually promotes elite crafting with absolutely unrealistic pricing. So do you think BW's current model will promote the MMO norm of farmer dependency or actually create a balanced game economy?
I have not, at any point, had any problem with getting enough credits for anything I need. As long as you aren't wasteful, credits is a non-issue.

Q : I am not a huge pvp server fan, as I don't usually find there is that much more pvp on those servers than most modern MMO's pve servers. I loved Warhammers pvp fits & Tor seems to be copying that. I also loved Warhammer's open RVR area & RVR level rewards, which worked great to entice more pvp on pve servers. Those rewards combined with lots of repeatable quest, exp for killling players, exp bars that rewarded me with blue gear when finished, & chances for blue loots when killing a fort boss were carrots to keep me pvping. That combined with almost instanct access to battlegrounds, with very short queues worked wonderfully in Warhammer, until everyone realized taking cities had it's fatal flaws. But I have only heard of 3 battlegrounds, shared by all tiers in Tor? Is this true, is this & pvp gear all they have to encourage pvp on pve servers? If so, I fear that Tor pvp on pve servers will be terribly subpar compared to most mmo's, what are your opinons on what you have seen in testing for pvp on pve servers?

There are only 3 warzones at the time, yes. Whether they plan to add more before release or not, I don't know. They're all pretty good (to various degrees), and PvP is fairly balanced. I enjoy it a lot - some people complain about bad lag, I'm guessing bad computers or bad connection, I've never had any problems in warzones.
The PvP / level balancing system is alright. It's sometimes frustrating to get killed by a level 10 when you've spent hundreds of hours getting to level 50, but it's a necessary sacrifice in the beta, since population is very low. I believe they have said they are still considering level-adjusted warzones for release.

Q : I am guessing that on a pvp server, that companions can always be out, & therefore ironically are a core part of non instanced pvp on a pvp server. I am also guessing that "gank squads" will tend to group 2 players to a group, using something like 2 dps, or 2 heal companions. Take 8 people doing this & people will be rolled by 16 people at a time. But if huge groups like this clash it could be pretty exciting. Is this your experience on pvp servers?

There are no PvP servers in the beta (at least not in my group, and I haven't heard of any elsewhere). Companions are a significant part of SWTOR; that's something you should just be prepared for.
I wouldn't say they are powerful enough to be a big deal in world PvP, but they're a decent addition to your char, and you're handicapped without them.

Q : Since MMO's are supposed to be a social aspect, & it only takes a group of 4 people for a full group. Are you seeing far less companions out hunting with a group than most would expect? Or are you seeing a tendancy for more players to solo, so they can work with their companions?

Because of the low population on beta servers, it's hard to tell. Some group content you can solo with your companion; most of it you can't. Unless you outlevel it and come back of course, but that's not efficient XP.

All things considered, the leveling experience (even the solo content) is more enjoyable if you do it with a friend. It's faster, better xp, and you have someone to talk to.

You can solo from 1-50; I would prefer not to.

Q : I remember some MMO's that had mini games that were so well done that they seemed a part of your character. I think of crafting as one such thing, but WOW's fishing, cooking were such mini games. These seemed to benefit your character with extra stat boost, or stuff to sell. I also think this was smart as it natually added to the amount of time you played that toon. Do you think the lack of mini games like Pazaak, an in game Bounty system, speeder racing, npc KOTOR 1 arena fights, pvp duels mini games, & the ability to bet on these mini games (like in pazaak) at launch will give Tor a much lower average played time on a single toon, than other MMO's with such minigames?

Yes. I am one of the people who really want some content to do when I'm just “hanging around” in the game, and I really miss that. WoW was amazing at providing that kind of stuff.
The testing forums are very polarized on this. One group is making a huge deal about this missing, the other group are calling them idiots for wanting to fish in a game.

Q: I have read several tester reactions on the potential Cantina as "social hubs", not really having any in game social draws. Do you think adding mini games like Pazaak, speeder racing etc would actually make the cantinas social hubs worth visiting, for the aveage player?

It certainly could. It's hard to judge whether people would group there, because the server populations are so low now. But yeah, minigames would be good.

Q : I have always felt the BH powertech tank build seemed underpowered compared to the other tanks in the game. I question their hps, armor, damage mitigation, & damage potentials as a tank. So, I have a crazy concept, since healers have presence as a major stat, & presence gives healers more healing power, companions more health & makes them hit harder. Is it possible that a say healer Sith Inquisitor, could use a companion to tank for a group & be able to do about the same job tanking as a BH powertech player with mako healing?

No. Heal / Tank companions really can't replace player chars. You can “make do” with them, if you have absolutely no alternative, but they are not, even best case scenario, as good as a player tank or healer.

Q : I have seen some testers say that the Sith Juggernaut & IA are OP. And the videos I have seen seem to validate this. But since TOR is like Warhammer in that it has each faction having similar classes per faction that are not exact mirrors, I was wondering if the balance is there and Smugglers & the JK that is opposite of the Juggernaut is considered just as OP? If they are not considered just as OP, do you think this is a potential fatal flaw in the TOR balancing act, especially pvp?

I haven't really seen any chars as OP. I think this is more about people cryfacing because they got owned by someone in PvP; which may very likely have nothing to do with the class being OP.
A lot of the people in the test are really, really bad at playing MMOs. I'm talking run-into-the-wall bad.

My experience is that my Merc is pretty much always top dog in warzones, but I'm also a pretty hardcore PvPer from other MMOs, so whether or not that comes down to the class, or me just not being a tard, I don't know at this point.
I love the IA story btw, you guys have something to look forward to.

Q : I assume the BH powertech Shield tech tree is the sterotypical MMO instance tank. What in your experience is the BH powertech advanced prototype tree? Is it like a WOW dps warrior build? Is it an aoe tank?. Would you consider it a tank thats ok for most occasions? Or would you consider it more of a 2nd dps option? & do either of the BH powertech trees have problems keeping aggro from the rest of the group?

All of the tank ACs appear to be performing pretty well now. As for holding agro, you can do that in any tree, but your survival is greatly reduced if you're not shield tech.
I'd say that a dps specced Powertech can tank 4man content just fine, but once you get to raid level content, you're going to want more pure bred specs. That's speculation at this time, though.

Q : Damage calculation formula for dual wielding lightsabers is: 30% of [weapon damage +bonus damage( calculated from str) ] additionally there is penalty to accuracy -33%. Does dual lightsaber deal more damage than single one? Based on this calculation it's not. Am I missing something ( like skills hitting twice)?

Marginally more. When you start adding some +accuracy items, it becomes very sweet. Both my Merc and my Marauder is sitting at about 76% hit chance with a lot of accuracy stacked; damage is awesome.

Q : When they try to balance class abilities and skill trees, does it seem like they get it right first time or do they need a few attempts at buffing/nerfing before getting it right?

We haven't seen any significant updates for over 1 months now (probably thanks to the MAGID people…). Most changes before that has largely been baby steps. I imagine it was more drastic in the early phases of the game, but I wasn't invited back then, so don't know.

Q : Is there a debate going on tester forums wether AMD or Nvidia gfx has an advantage over one another in TOR? Any consensus to which is winning the race?

Absolutely no idea. I use nVidia, and do not have any problems at least. I run the game at max settings at 1920x1080, and only place I ever have issues is right after zoning into a big city.

Q : Whats your guess on what it takes to run the game maxed out in 2560x1440 res?

I don't have a dual monitor setup, but in general, the game runs very smoothly for me. If you can run that resolution in current day singleplayer games, I can't imagine you'd have a problem in SWTOR - perhaps except in the middle of huge raids etc.

Q : I'm guessing the companion Ashara Zavros will be the female romanceable companion for SI, what race is she? Any pictures you could upload of unseen companions would be highly appreciated.

She's a Togruta, she appears to be borderline jailbait… Looks pretty good, actually, and I've enjoyed her story. She plays the role of “fallen jedi” very, very well. Yes, she is your female romance, and she's pretty hard to “get going.”

Q : I know respeccing ACs are still up for debate, but what about respeccing within your chosen AC? Is there a dualspec system in place? To swap between e.g. pve and pvp spec..

Re-AC'ing was just confirmed yesterday, so just adding that in there.
Respeccing skill tree is just like in other MMOs, you talk to an NPC, pay him some credits, and you get a reset option.
Cost scales with how often you do it; very cheap in the start.
No dual spec. And I'm leaning towards it not being needed, but that might change when raids are available - if they require more purebred heal / tank specs.

Q : Hi my question is. Force scream seems very prevalent in the Jugg Sith Warrior tree. Any info on this ability? thanks.

It's essentially just a damage ability that will also “scare” (i.e. stun) your target for a few seconds, unless it's an elite.

Q : I know most people have not tried the Tunnel Shooter, though I was wondering if what we were told is true and if it really is a viable way to earn some credits and possible do some character advancement. So far it was said you earn credits and Ship equipment from the Space combat missions, Anything else? And how many Credits?

It's not played much at this point, because it's ridiculously difficult to complete the missions. The first couple are ok, but then it just gets to the point of being ridiculous, you get shot to pieces before you can even get started sometimes.

As a general matter, it's ok fun, but needs balancing. You get a little bit of xp and credits, not enough to make it worthwhile for those purposes.

You get commendations from it, that you can use to buy ship upgrades.

Q : Can you ask anyone if they know if Elara Dorne (trooper companion) is lightside or not? or what kind of attitude she likes? for a male she appears to be the only romance arc :p

At this point, companions do not have LS / DS alignments. I don't know about her personality, I've only played a trooper on low levels.

Q : Can you use one of your tank companions to tank and hold agro, while the SS casts and heals the companion? I suppose what I am asking is can you fill the trinity of healer and tank with your SS and companion?

Yes. It's not an ideal solution, but it's doable.

Q : Is a SS gimped if they go for a dps / healing build while leveling? So basically a lightening / corruption build or can you even go corruption / madness build for leveling?

Some people I've talked to has leveled as healers, I wouldn't do that. Presence does make your companions better, but not enough in my opinion.
Madness sorc is awesome.

Q: We have seen the SS use the lightening abilities alot, as this is what the class is a out. But can an SS still use the light saber if needed?

Yeah, you still have the basic melee abilities from the Sith Inq tree, and you do keep getting new ranks of it. So yeah, if something gets in your face, you can cut it down.

Q : Are there more flashpoints then those on the main site? If so how many more?

Yes. Currently, there's one for each faction around level 10, two for each faction around level 30, and two for each faction around level 47.

There is also a “heroic” flashpoint available at level 50, which to a large degree ties together the stories from the previous ones.
Now, BioWare isn't actually TELLING us where to find these, so it's very possible that there are more level 50 flashpoints people haven't found yet.

Q : Have you seen any wearable Imperial soldier armor?

Do you mean armor that would make you look like the Imperial NPCs? If so, no. There's some armors that have darker color schemes, and look kinda similar, but as far as I can tell, you can't a actually dress up as an imperial soldier.

Q : Do you know what species the Agent companion Vector Hyllis is, or at least what he looks like?

Nope, never seen an IA that actually uses him.

Q : Speaking of Agent companions, do you have any idea why Doctor Lokin is a melee tank?

Well, someone has to tank, no? But no, I don't really know the back story or anything like that.

Q : Any idea what "social rewards" are? (as in the stuff you can get from points accumulated when grouped with other people)

It's gear. Pretty good gear, however the accumulation of social points is so slow, you have almost no chance of keeping current with your level. So at this point, it's mostly a vendor showing you stuff you cannot buy.

Q : So the Empire controls Corellia. Is that the case from the beginning, or does it happen at some point in the story?

From the beginning. Corellia is awesome.

Q : When leveling a Smuggler class, which of the dps builds is best (I refuse to play a healing based smuggler); Sharpshooter, Saboteur, or Scrapper? Furthermore, which class do you anticipate so far as being the most viable or more dominating PvP class (as far as the smuggler goes)?

I have only played smuggler a little; the cover mechanic is really good in PvE, although to me it gets a bit tedious. I don't know the class well enough to really answer this question.

Q : Of the 4 builds of the Smuggler class, which is the most popular?
I can only judge by the /who lists in game, and that doesn't show me which spec… but there's more gunslingers than scoundrels.

Q : In earlier releases, I have heard that Smuggler's were dying a lot more than other classes and having a hard time soloing (with companion). Has this been changed more recent releases? Do you notice Smuggler's dying more often than other classes?

Again, I've played very little on republic side, only char I've leveled past starship level is the JK. But at least up to and throughout Coruscant (level 14-15), I haven't had any problems with my Smuggler.

Q : In the current beta build, can you cross-faction chat? Do you anticipate that cross-faction communication will be implemented at release?
Yes you can. And I absolutely hope so. If people have sensitive tits about being taunted by the other dudes, learn to use /ignore.

Q : Could you be so kind to give some information about the Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer healing character?
There is little to non footage out there and same with text info.
Is it viable for solo or do you lack dps?
How is healing like? Is swapping targets and healing any good?

I'm used to healing in WoW, and to me the lack of mouse over macros just makes me want to grab a rusty fork and stab it in my eye.
From a balance point of view, Sorcs can heal just fine, I'm just really not loving having to actually switch targets every damn time I need to heal someone, and stuff like that.
There's also a small issue in animations extending your cooldowns, BioWare has acknowledged the issue and hopefully will address it in the future.

Q : Questions regarding Imperial Agent. 1. Is your impression that the IA Sniper is capable of defending himself and killing the oponent, in a 1v1 scenario. Personally I am afraid IA has a nice burst/dmg potential, especially in a group scenario, but on his own hes like a wet toilet paper. 2. Have you seen any of the endgame/close to endgame armors you can have (such as being able to ctrl+click the item to see it on your char), does the armor look good/slick compared to other class armors? 3. What is your overall impression of the IA, if you have any special "thoughts" that crossed your mind about the class (Sniper in perticular).

I don't know IAs enough to answer. Sniper has absolutely brutal damage, probably highest in the game at the moment. How well that translates into PvP, I do not know.

There's no “wardrobe” function yet, hopefully they'll implement that.
However, in this game, your icon actually matches the look of the items so you have a pretty good idea of what it's going to look like just from the icon. But yeah, a preview function would be much appreciated.
I've enjoyed the IA story greatly. Probably my favorite one so far. Sniper has brutal damage, Operative skill tree is horribly broken.

Q : How do the different ACs differ in terms of healing? Which ones are the most capable for burst/constant healing and which one is considered the strongest for PvP and/or PvE?

Seems to be very even, I'm not primarily a healer, so I'm not the right guy to ask. But yeah, all things considered, it seems like any of the healing ACs can step up and get the job done.

Q : My question is simple, I've read all the Q & A's about this game, and while I am excited, the people answering the questions choose to answer with 'It works like in World of Warcraft.' Is this a bloody clone of the game? Should I not be excited by this? How different is this game from World of Warcraft? Have they strived to make noticeable differences?

No, it is not. If anything, it plays LESS like World of Warcraft than I expected it to. Are there significant similarties to WoW? Yeah, of course. They'd be completely insane not to take some benefit of WoW's success.

But the game plays more like Mass Effect than it does WoW.

Q : When I was in the beta about 8 months ago class balance was terrible. Jedi Knights could plow through packs of 6 mobs with ease and Consulars would die taking on 2 at a time. Are classes reasonably balanced (the best being maybe 10% better than the worst) or are there still glaring issues like this?

Are there differences? Yeah. That being said, I've leveled a SI to 50 (equivalent to your consular), and never had any problems. My JK seems to have a little bit easier time - but this is reality in all MMOs.
A class that has tanking ability has by definition skyhigh survivability, and that makes PvE easymode.

Q : When listening to the devs I get the impression that this is essentially a single player game that only runs in co-op mode. As such once you hit 50 apart from PvP and the occasional raid there will be little to do other than go back and explore things you may have skipped over or re-roll and run through the story again. Are there enough interesting things to keep max level players occupied for more than a week or two? Are there heroic versions of flash points? Will this be like Rift where everyone leveled up to 50 in 100hrs of play time then quit?

This is a concern that a huge part of the testing community keeps bringing up. Hopefully, BioWare are listening.
Since they aren't actually giving us access to end game content yet, I honestly couldn't answer you.

But I can assure you that BioWare is repeatedly reminded of this fact.

Q : Can you tell us something about healing? - Like which class has hot?(Healing over Time) - Which class has direct heals. - Which has Shieldings etc.

Well, my Mercenary has all of the above. I believe my Sorcerer also does, but I've never actually heal specced him, so I wouldn't say for sure.

Right now, heals and shiels are (at least for Merc) pretty bad, and you'll mostly rely on your “big heals” to keep your team alive.
That's partially because you're also going to participate in combat. Might change in raids, but in 4man content, you don't need to spam heals like you do in WoW.

Q : Seriously, who is the Emperor?
Don't know, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. The story really is a focal point of this game, and spoiling it is going to ruin a lot of the fun.

Q : What is the current state about gear customization? If it is nonexistent, have the devs mentioned they were planned something about it?

I absolutely love the way gear works. The only MMO I've liked the gear system better in is SWG, and I realize SWG's crafting and gear system is too complicated for today's MMO market.
In short, the good quality armor pieces only have 1 stat on the actual armor - that is an armor value.

Beyond that, it has from 1 to 5 modification slots (overlay, underlay, circuitry, support and harness) that you can customize with mod items, so you can actually build very unique stat bases from your armor.
This is also part of the reason why this game doesn't need an appearance tab. If you have one chest armor that you really love, you can keep that armor piece for a long time, and just keep upgrading all of the modification slots, to keep it current in terms of stats provided.
It's a brilliant system.

Q : What is the list of the Inquisitor companions? (I know there is Khem val, Xalek, what are the other three?)

Khem Val - tank, freak, big part of your storyline. Great tank even at 50
Andronikos Revel - smuggler/pirate picked up at Tatooine. Great dps
Ashara Zavros - jailbait jedi, dual wield lightsabers. Good dps, a bit of a goodie-two-shoes, but she'll come around.
Talos Drellik - Ranged healer, by and large useless.
Xalek - your proper apprentice, caster dps - amazing.

Q : What are the romance options for the Inquisitor?

Ashara and Andronikos. That being said, there's plenty of NPCs you can bang on your journey through the galaxy. Not so much romance involved in those, it's mostly just down to business, and get on with your work afterwards.

Q : Can you give a quick list about the titles you have seen so far and how to get them?

Christ, there's just tons. Way more than you've seen in WoW, for example.
You get titles from your LS / DS standing, you get titles from your class quests, you get titles from completely the planet-story quests, you get titles from doing flashpoints. You pretty much get titles everywhere.

Q : So my question is: u said that the only time u got bored playing TOR was when u tryed space combat, but even so u rated the game with 6.5...if everything was excited but space combat, why this bad rating? Im not whining about your judgment, it can be true i never tryed the game, im just trying to understand it. Other mmos like aion, rift or lotro to name a few are all "ok" and decent games but not brilliant, and they all got better ratings than 6.5, and much better ones if u ask me to rate them. 6.5 its a mediocre rank, its not a game worth buying most of the times when sites and magazines give it to games. I must say your commenut scared the hell out of me , and now i fear the same ghost, the mmo ghost that dooms(atleast to have a big fan base) all mmos but WoW. If u can explain better your claims I would be glad Smile.
Thanks and sorry for my english.

Ok, there's different people answering these Q&As, this is my first one, so I can't really answer the question.
I'll say this;
As an RPG, I give this game a 9.5/10
As an MMO, I'm holding off judgment until I see endgame.

Q : Do slows or holds fill the CC bar in PvP as well: Are they counted as crowd control?


Q : You have talked about the Powertech and that you dont want to play the class, even for money. What are other players oppinions to the Powertech? Are there more Testers not really excitet about the Powertech? If so, will there be a fix?

Different guy here; I have 50 powertech and 50 mercenary.
I prefer mercenary, but no great issues with powertech. I think the reason why the previous Q&A disliked powertech is that you don't start getting the fun stuff until fairly high levels.
Until around 25-30, it feels a bit tame. Again, I like merc better, but powertech is a good, solid class.

Q : In Q&A 11 it was mentioned many or some testers are disappointed in PvP. Do you have any knowledge as to why the disappointment and have there been any tester suggestions or developer comments on negating the concerns revolving around PvP?

The biggest complaints I've heard is lag, and I don't have any lag problems. I enjoy PvP a lot. Is it perfectly balanced? No. But it's close enough that every class which is properly played can hold it's own.
Healing in general needs to be made less of a pain in the ass by fixing some animation issues, but that's hopefully in the works.

Q : You mentioned that crew skills are quite expensive and yield very little unless you craft above your level. Will gathering your own materials while out in the field and forsaking crew skills while leveling make crafting more economical for your character? If you do this will it be as time consuming as in WoW or will it be more of a side experience while questing?

Again, new guy here, so I can only answer from fresh; if the previous Q&A due has problems with credits, he's doing something wrong. Since the community is too small to have an active economy, crafting doesn't really pay off at the moment. Nobody to buy your stuff.
You should pretty much never send a companion on a gathering mission, there's nodes all over the world that you can pick up on your own.
I only send my companions on 1) slicing missions because they make shitloads of credits and 2) diplomacy missions to adjust my LS / DS ranks.

Q : I for one really enjoy experiencing everything a game has to offer. I'm a semi-hardcore player but life takes priority. My question is will I be able to enjoy everything this game has ( even space combat which is shaping up to be disappointing) without over whelming myself?

You'll probably enjoy it more than the people who go “ZOMG GOTTA GET TO 50!”

I'm one of the people who hate leveling so much, that in WoW I have eight 85 chars, and every single one of them was leveled by a power leveling service.

I _hate_ leveling.

But in SWTOR, I've loved it. Don't get me wrong, the 4th time you do the same generic side quests on Nar Shaddaa, you're not gonna find them interesting anymore, but yeah - compared to previous MMOs, leveling is enjoyable.

Take your time, enjoy the story. No prize for being first to 50.

Q : I have always liked playing a debuffer type class in MMO's like Burglar in LotRO or to an extent Warlock in WoW. Are there any specific classes that stand out in SWToR as a major debugger type class or are they all on par with each other when it comes to debuffs?

Sorc / Sage probably the closest - although I think there isn't enough of it. It's a bit too much “tank & spank” and too little strat for my taste.

Q : What is the last companion for the Smuggler besides, Corso Riggs, Akavi Spaar, Bowdaar and Guss Tuno? What's it's name?species?role?

Risha, ranged, medium armor. Rifle if I remember correctly.

Q : What are social points used for? Can you buy stuff or get ranks or titles with them?

Already answered above, but it's used for buying gear. Badly balanced at the moment, not really working.

Q : I recently watched a video involving a multiplayer conversation, in it the player was choosing the responses but another player was speaking. Could you explain a bit more about the multiplayer conversation system and how it determines who speaks?

Yes. Every player selects one response, then the game does a /roll 100. The one who gets the highest score, is the one who actually acts out his choice in the game.

For any conversation that has story plot consequences and/or LS/DS, your choice counts for your character, even if you do not win. So other people can't ruin your story.

Q : As we've seen from the screenshots you can configure your lightsaber in many ways, I'm going to be playing a Gunslinger Smuggler and I was wondering if there are similar options for configuring my two Blasters?

Yeah, there are. Including color cartridges for blaster fire.

Q : I think there is much misleading info on the classes and AC choices. Are the classes complete mirrors or are there enough differences to each class that warrant their own identity? For example the JC Sage and SI sorcerer. Assuming both focus on their primary DPS trees Telekinetics or Lightning, are they different as far as Stats, animation, and damage or completely aesthetic simply with the same skills with different names?

The Jedi / Sith classes appear to be 100% mirrored functionally.
The non-force user classes seems to have a little more variation, but they're also pretty close to each other.

Q : Not related to TOR itself but it seems that many are discussing about your 6.5 score. Are you going to change that depending on some of the issues you've have been addresses? Regardless I knew it wasn't going to be evolutionary but on the whole it sounds like you enjoy it and to an extent will most likely buy it and subscribe to it... is that correct?

Different guy, I think a 6.5 is definitely lowballing this game. I do share the other guy's concern about not having seen any endgame content yet. But I'm giving BioWare the benefit of the doubt for now.

Q : I plan to play with 2 other friends. At this point I plan to be a BH (powertech tank), & they will both be IA, maybe 1 a sniper the other the AOE dps build. As of now we plan to use Mako as our everyday healer. Do you think the Powertech, tank build is a decent enough tank for this? How is the BH powertech's taunts? Can he keep 3 or 4 mobs aggro? Do the IA & BH get basic (small) heals before they chose an AC that could supplement Makos healing? Does a healing companion heal the group, or just their owner? Do you think such a group could do instances? Are medpaks (heal potions) common enough to be used to supplement healing, like in other MMO's? Or do you think I would be better off going the Powertech dps tree or a hybrid? Or will I just be forced to go to one of the other Empire tank builds? As Sith Warrior seems OP compared to the other tanks, from the little I have seen.
Tanking is fine. Mako's healing is pretty bad. Med packs are fairly minor, I wouldn't rely on them in anything other than solo content. Still, since everyone has a self-heal out of combat, you're mainly looking at healing from an “OH SHIT” perspective. At least in 4man content.

Q : I have heard several leakers suggest that the BH merc dps/heal build is great. I have seen some testers claim they have never seen a merc dps/heal build drop below 60% health. This suggest Mako or a group healer was there. I think I also have seen it suggested that some mercs were able to take advantage of a bug & use the powertech shield while keeping up their dps. Do you take advantage of that bug? Is that one reason you like your merc so much? Bugs not withstanding, do you think a Merc dps/heal hybrid with Mako healing would be a better tank than a powertech tank with Mako healing?

Well. First of all, yes, Mercenary works very well. I have a 50 Merc, and I love him to death.

As for the shield bug - partially. You can't actually make it _work_ like a shield, that actually required a talent from the Shield Tech tree, which Merc obviously doesn't have.

For any char that doesn't have that talent, the shield item is simply a stat stick that gives you a little extra. Do I use the bug? Yeah. But it's such a small impact on your character, you'd barely notice the difference.

Q : IMHO if you group in most MMO's & the shared loot/quest are your only source of income, you never seem to have enough money to buy mounts etc at certain levels. I reason that is because you kill essentially the same amount of mobs (only so many mobs in an area) & that cash/loot is divided by the amount of people in your group. So essentially, you have to work the AH/craft/instance/ or buy gold to have enough money to buy mounts on time. It was mentioned if we don't waste money on crew skills, we should have enough money to buy our mounts at level 25. In my experience most MMO's have an exp bonus for grouping, but no group cash bonus, so unless you work the economy, or farm instances you can end up short on cash, because you group. Do you think that is the case if you group all the time in TOR?

Not sure. I've never had any problems with having enough credits.

Q : Most MMO's crafting systems are not profitable early on (unless you buy gold), so I think your statement about your experience in TOR is true in most MMO's. The crafting systems usually also make stuff that is to costly for the reward, & to time consuming for the cash you will get back from a sale on the AH. Do you think the current crafting & cash sink system is designed to benefit hard core crafters? And because things are so expensive hard core crafters will have to do like in most MMO's rely on a guild or buy gold? I think this is the way most MMO's crafting economies are set up these days. So inadvertently the system supports gold farming. In most MMO's people can make some money by training all gathering skills, are there enough resources available on each planet to support this? If one does do only gathering skills early on, is it not worth it to send your companions on gathering missions? & if you do the old gathering skills "to supplement your income" system can you re-train to a real crafting skill at level 50, when you actually have the funds to afford crafting?

You could make it a bit easier on yourself by waiting to 50 with crafting, but it isn't necessary. If you only buy the schematics of stuff you can actually use, instead of buying every single one of them, you can do that easily.

Is it going to reward hardcore crafters? I don't know.
A big problem with the crafting system is that your companions do it for you. Imagine in WoW, if you went to find a Blacksmith to make you an awesome piece of armor, and you gave him mats worth thousands of gold, and then he tells you “Ok, I'll be back with your item in 5 hours!”.
That would make you pissed off, and pretty damn concerned about being scammed. Well, that's how it works in SWTOR for the moment…

Q : From what we have seen in videos from BW, it appears their approach to keeping the economy balanced is to have huge cash sinks (everything is over priced) & to have the mobs drop very little valuable loot or cash. In my experience in MMO's this leaves players feeling frustrated, & feeling like they have to buy gold to keep up with the jones. Do you think that will be the case in this MMO?
So far, I have had more credits than I need to spend on any of my characters.

Q : I realize that gold sellers, even though illegal are desireable to an MMO. They may be illegal but many players seem to support them, & lets face it they are paying subs to the company & buying new copies of the game when they are banned. So even though i'm against gold selling, I ignore it, as other players like it. & the current state of MMO economies almost relies on it. But I find it annoying when they spam your mail or spam the group with an ad then leave the group. Does TOR seem to have anything in yet to stop at least the mail spamming? I really liked that addon that blocked mail spamming in Warhammer.

Hard to tell, there's only a few hundred people on each server, none of them seems to be spamming me with credit sales :p

Q : Does TOR have any Warhammer open battlegrounds? Can factions "take control" over the neutral planets? Are there open area pvp bases to take like in warhammer? Are there any reasons to get the average player into pvp? I was very excited when it sounded like TOR would have Warhammer style open battlegrounds & I hoped this would lead to rvr levels & rewards that would entice even casual players into pvp. But from what I have heard TOR's pvp system seems to be seriously lacking in carrots to draw non hardcore pvpers in. I don't consider myself a pvper, but I fear many of the pvp players will have very few options compared to other MMO's pve servers. What is your opinion on TOR's pvp verses other top MMO's?

Not that we know about. Although we do know that there are 2 planets that hasn't been disclosed to the public yet. Are they PvP? Or PvE raids? Who knows, all we know is that they are for “end game content”.

Q : I know TOR says there are no mini games like Pazaak in the game. I know they also seemed to indicate there was no KOTOR arena npc duel mini game. But in the last BH armor progression video there seemed to be a arena duel between 2 players & 2 npc's (One can see the specualation on the Darthhater.com dissection of the video). Was that a quest? Was it a teaser of what might be added at a later patch? Or was it a mini game? We have also seen still pics that seem to show Las Vegas style dealer against 6 players blackjack style Pazaak tables. Is that mini game in? It is sad if they are not in as I think it would be a nice counter sink to some players & gold farmers, while also giving players an actual reason to gather in cantinas.

I don't have time to go looking for the video at the moment; there are no arenas, if you think about that term from a WoW perspective. There's plenty of areas well suited for dueling, but I'm not sure that's exactly what you're asking.

Q : There have been a lot of requests to transcribe the Talent trees, which is all well and good, but can you please transcribe a list of skills for the classes that you are familiar with? I think knowing the actual skills will give us a better idea of how the classes actually play, what they do, and how the talent trees augment their play styles. Thanks!

That would be a full time job. Problem is, you can't see the skills you haven't unlocked, so to actually see every skill in the game you'd have to level every single class to 10 twice - just so you can pick each AC and look through the trees.

I'm not really tempted to do that now. I'll see if I get around to doing it for the classes I already have later, and I'll email the cakeman if I do. No promises.

Q : How does Sith Juggernaut dps compare with marauder dps in PvE and PvP? If they
are very nearly the same, what are the differences in the types of dps?

I hope they aren't equal. Juggernaut obviously has much higher survival, it would be very unfair if that isn't countered by slightly lower dps. Obviously, they still need to be ok.
Right now, without any meters to acutally check, it feels to me like the best DPS in the game is Mercenary, Sniper and Marauder.
The main difference is in how you'd gear them. Because Marauder dual wields, you're going to want to stack a lot of +accuracy to get rid of your miss rates, while for a single wielder, you can focus more on pure dps stats.

Q : For the Imperial Agent, how well does concealment spec perform? Is it good in
PvP but not PvE? or are they still working on it?

No idea, I don't really ever see anyone using it. Whether that's because it's broken or just not fun, I do not know.

Q : Stealth classes have the ability to do good burst damage but how do they do
afterwards? Is a Sith Assassin at a disadvantage after the Sith Juggernaut
starts his attack?

SA seems to have pretty solid damage overall. I wouldn't worry about this. But without dps meters or a parser, I couldn't tell you with numerical precision.

Q : Overall how useful do you think stealth will be for a PvP mechanic? will players
with the option use it to start every encounter? or is it more just for sneaking
into/out of situations to avoid fighting? How easily is it detected?

I don't play any stealth classes, but I'd have to imagine not being seen is a good thing.
Mercenary has a talent for increased detection, that I use, and it seems people get surprised when I killed them while stealthing. So it appears that they are generally able to get away with it.

Q : Are you able to create Marcos?

No. Sadface.

Q : If someone intended to be the main tank of a raiding guild, based on
what you know, is there any tank option (Assassin, Juggernaut,
Powertech for Empire), which outshines the other in taking on world
bosses and potentially raid content? I know the raid content hasn't
been open to you yet, but I hope you get my meaning.

So far, they all seem to be doing pretty well. My standard group has a SA as a tank, and he can handle anything we throw at him fairly fine, but I'm sure either of the other options could too.

Q : What do you think are the best and worst features in this game?
Also, are there any epic (not necessarily epic) in-game cinematics during important story events?

Best; storyline, warzones, the item mod/customization system
Worst; UI, no macros, healing animations issues.

Q : Do you feel the group quests/instances are harder, easier, or about the same difficulty level as regular corresponding content in WoW?

The one heroic flashpoint I've done at 50 was pretty hard. Comparable to end game instances in Wow, I'd say.
Lower level content is hard to judge, because the difference between being +1 or -1 level compared to the mobs are pretty huge.
Doing Black Talon with a group of level 8s is going to be pretty hard, doing it with a group of level 12s is going to be steamroll.
How does group looting work? Do you kill a boss, a few items drop, and you roll on them? Or, do you kill a boss, return to the quest giver, and choose a reward? Or something else perhaps?
Mob loot.
You have choice between Master Loot and Need/Greed at least. Very similar to WoW (and most other MMOs).

Q : If I want to use a healing companion is there a difference between the companions skill level or do they all give me equal healing skill if I use the healing kit with them?
I am planning to play Jedi Knight and I would like to use the T7-01 droid to do the healing.

T7 is a tank. You can put the healing kit on him, but I can't imagine why you'd want to. Give him something that knocks down enemies. Knockdowns are win.
I don't actually know if the medkit for companions vary by stats or has a fixed heal amount, sorry.

Q : So I really would like to know more about Akavi Spaar, the female mandalorian companion of the smuggler. Does she look like Shae Visla, who is the bounty hunter in Deceived, or what does she look like? Is she Good or Evil?

No idea, sorry. I don't even know who this Visla lady is.

Q : I've heard that in SWG(though i may be wrong), when you point at aurebesh writing it is translated in a tool-tip. Is there such a mechanic in SWTOR.

I don't actually remember seeing any aurebesh writing, but if there are any, I'm sure the game would translate it.

Q : I wonder what is canon appearance for Revan? How he looks in game ? (screenshot please)

He looks the way he should, if you get my drift. I can't give you a screenshot, because it takes well over an hour just to get to him.

Q : Does Republic version of Revan quest line ends with Revan's death? How he will die? (Sacrifice or something else?)

From what I understand, he is not killed. But I don't play republic.

Q : What happend to the Exile?

No idea.

Q : Same question as the first one but for the Exile (screenshot please)

See above.

Q : During the videos that have been leaked all people that loot the bodies have to do so manually by clicking the take all button.
Is there an option that allows auto loot, basically you just right click the corpse and it loots everything automatically from that corpse without clicking the button?

There's auto-loot. If you mean videos by BioWare, they are deliberately using mouse clicking for everything (including combat) so that people get to see the tooltips.
If you're talking about beta leakers who use manual loot, I guess they're just baddies.

Q : You mentioned that you have to press space all the time to skip the quest dialog, during one of the leaked screenshots i saw an option to auto skip movies or dialogue in the settings, what does this option do?

That's just for the cut scene movies, like the introduction when creating your character.
If you want to skip all dialog, this game isn't for you. Sorry, but that's like ordering a steak, but asking for it to be vegan. It just doesn't make sense.

Q : So, you played a Jedi Guardian until right around level 50. Is there
ever a time past level 10 as a Jedi Guardian where you can equip heavy
armor that does not include a heavy plate look, or does the general
look follow the armor looks they gave us in our progression video?
Most of the armor past 10 we have seen has been just bulky space
plate. Are there any unarmored looks for the Jedi Guardian?

New guy, my JG is only 30ish. There's a great variation in looks, and if you look at my answer a few pages about where I explain the item modification system, you have ways of “re-using” a given piece of armor if you really like the looks of it.
But as a general matter, heavy armor looks heavy, yes. Jedi Guardian and Bounty Hunter has the best armor visuals in the game imo.

Q : In the Developers walkthrough Tat video the Inquisitor choose darkside and got affection points with Khem Val. So it seems if you go light side you will lose affection points from him. Will gifts alone keep Khem Val happy enough so he won't leave you if you choose the path of light as an Inquisitor? And in general will gifts alone keep all of your companions happy if you choose a path they don't agree with?

It's not quite that simple, companions react to more context than just whether it was LS or DS. You also affect your companion in a lot of conversations that do not give you LS or DS points.
And yes, gifts can compensate a lot. I've seen gifts that give +150 affection. Usually, the decreases in affect from your actions are fairly small.

Largest decrease I've seen was -110, but that was with a pretty outrageous dialog option that went directly against that companion. I won't spoil the actual story, but in general, you will find it fairly easy to maintain good affection with your companions.
Gifts are awesome, but gets expensive. Diplomacy skill is FTW.

Q : What crafting skills do you predict being the most useful at end game? I am thinking in terms of making money and also being valuable to your guildies.

Well, right now Slicing is a moneymaker, and Diplomacy is win for LS/DS points and companion gifts.
As for end-game, the game economy is probably going to work best if people have a balanced selection of professions. I predict Artifice and Armstech will be overused, and thus lower priced, but that's really a wild guess.

Q : Are companion romances significant enough in game to make you change your characters gender? I prefer to make female toons, but I also like the romance content of DA1 and ME1&2. As there is no homosexuality in game I would like some guidance on what I might miss out on.

I'm a straight guy who's really disappointed at the lack of Same Gender Romance, just for the record.
The romances are a small part of it, the most interesting part of the affection system is actually unlocking the quests, and learning more about their backstory.
Actually getting them into your bedroom on the ship isn't that big of a deal to me.

Q : Has there been any talk in the testing forums from bioware about any kind of name reservation / preloaded character creation system?

Not as far as I know, I do not believe they have any intentions of doing this.

Q : We have been told that in PvP, characters cannot be one-shotted and burst damage doesn't factor in as highly as in some other games. Assuming a strong player attacks a weak player 1 on 1, how long would the fight last before the weaker one died
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Релиз 22го декабря, кто пойдет играть?)
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The Wolf,who fell in love with The Angel
The Wolf,who fell in love with The Angel

Возраст: 42
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СообщениеДобавлено: 26 Сентябрь, 2011 11:22    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Enigma_fury, по отзывам, что я читал очередной УГ вышел =/
Hikari WoE|MvP|PvM 99/68 High Wizard {Roses}
Хикару - ацкий смит барыга {Trading Roses} GoldenGirl - ацкий мерк барыга {GM Witherless Roses}

Мы забытое поколение, которое любит "пихать кнопки компа, жрать чипсы и пить пиво на тусовках"(С) Neaxion
"Человек - это часть целого, которое мы называем Вселенной, часть, ограниченная во времени и в пространстве"(C) Альберт Эйнштейн

И не сомкнуть кольцо седых холмов, И узок путь по лезвию дождя, И не ищи - ты не найдешь следов, Что Воин Вереска оставил, уходя.
Воин Вереска(C)Хэлависа группа Мельница
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Death Sender
Troll of Roses
Troll of Roses

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Откуда: у твоей мамы такой уродливый ребёнок?

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 Сентябрь, 2011 03:09    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Ещё по роликам тб было понятно, когда на фоне унылейшего геймплея нахваливали то как срежиссированы ролики и какая там озвучка профессиональная. Если в ммо нахваливают озвучку, а про геймплей ничего не говорят вполне очевидно что за проект будет.
Дон. Дон Дон.
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СообщениеДобавлено: 27 Сентябрь, 2011 19:14    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

хз что вы видели и слышали, но судя по ролим с закрытой беты пвп/квесты рейды там очень даже зрелищные и эпичные.

по поводу сюжета писали, что каждый класс это как Kotor по длительности, а их там 8 и 16 спеков

кому интересно гляньте ролики с http://www.alterswtor.com/archives/1999#more-1999 пвп

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Royal Rose
Royal Rose

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СообщениеДобавлено: 27 Сентябрь, 2011 20:04    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Enigma_fury писал(а):
по поводу сюжета писали, что каждый класс это как Kotor по длительности

Весь подвох в том, что длительность геймплея в ммо достигается иными способами. Представь себе 8 которов по разработке и прикинь какой бюджет бы на это потребовался. Разумеется, основной игровой процесс будет заключаться в выполнении квестов, и какими бы разнообразными они ни были - заранее ясно, что они будут повторяться как внутри одного класса, так и между ними.
В дьябле можно было увеличить время геймплея увеличив контент в два раза - берем и увеличиваем число локаций каждого типа. Думаю ясно, что здесь будет выполнен аналогичный прием. Это ммо, а не оффлайновая игра, и основное направление разработки тут не столько сюжет, сколько коммуникация между игроками - пвп, гильдии, рынок. При всем желании ммо никогда не сравнится с оффлайновой игрой по качеству контента.
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СообщениеДобавлено: 15 Ноябрь, 2011 03:49    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

раздают доступ в бету всем кто хочет


или тут\
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The Wolf,who fell in love with The Angel
The Wolf,who fell in love with The Angel

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СообщениеДобавлено: 16 Ноябрь, 2011 10:17    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Последняя раздача ключей на бета-тест Star Wars: The Old Republic!

Первая раздача ключей на закрытый бета-тест Star Wars: The Old Republic закончилась, едва успев начаться. Что и говорить, издательство Electronic Arts явно пожадничало, выделив нам всего 1500 ключей. Вооружившись битами и паяльниками, мы приперли EA к стенке, и все-таки сумели заполучить самую последнюю партию в 1300 ключей!

Напоминаем процедуру: нужно залогиниться на нашем сайте и пройти на специальную страничку. После получения кода необходимо будет зарегистрироваться на сайте игры (не забудьте отметить пункт "Yes, I would like to be considered for testing"), залогиниться, а затем отправиться по этому адресу, чтобы активировать код. Кстати, если у вас уже есть аккаунт в Origin или на главном сайте Electronic Arts — он вполне подойдет, только придется сменить пароль.

Чрезвычайно важное замечание: активацию полученного кода нужно завершить до 23 часов 59 минут 18 ноября по среднему североамериканскому времени. По московскому времени крайний срок настанет утром 19 ноября. После активации кода вам придется терпеливо дождаться приглашения, которое будет выслано на почтовый адрес, указанный при регистрации на сайте игры (не на "Игромании XP"!). Сам бета-тест стартует лишь в конце ноября — начале декабря и продлится около 4 дней.

Со всеми вопросами по раздаче ключей, буде таковые возникнут, пишите на xp@igromania.ru. Страничка с ключами, повторимся, ждет вас по этому линку.

Ну а если вам не повезет и на этот раз, ничего не поделать: третьей раздачи уже не будет, так что придется ждать релиза игры, который случится 20 декабря этого года. Желаем удачи!
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