Добавлено: 18 Январь, 2011 15:52 Заголовок сообщения: Патч 18.01.2011, ENG
New Skins in the Store
Galactic Renekton
Outback Renekton
Dreadknight Garen
Commando Galio
PVP.net v1.27.47
Fixed a bug where selecting a Skin late in the countdown process would produce an error
Fixed a bug where players that had been disconnected from chat could not enter the Matchmaking queue
League of Legends v1.0.0.109
Renekton, the Butcher of the Sands
Renekton uses a new resource system called Fury. Renekton gains Fury by attacking or dealing damage with spells. When he has gathered enough Fury, the resource will be expended to empower his skills with bonus effects.
Cull the Meek: Renekton swing his blade, dealing damage to nearby enemies and healing for a portion of the life dealt. Fury Bonus: Heal amount raised dramatically.
Ruthless Predator: Renekton's next attack swings twice, dealing a portion of his weapon damage, stunning his target briefly and applying on-hits each time. Fury Bonus: Renekton's next attack swings three times, dealing a huge portion of his weapon damage, stunning his target greatly and applying on-hits each time.
Slice and Dice: Renekton dashes forward, dealing physical damage to targets along the way. If he hits a target, he can use Dice for a brief period of time for the same effect. Dice Fury Bonus: Renekton deals 50% increased damage and reduces the armor of units hit.
Dominus (Ultimate): Renekton empowers himself with dark energy, gaining size and bonus health. He deals periodic damage to enemies around him and rapidly gains Fury.
Reign of Anger (Passive): Renekton gains 5 Fury per autoattack. Having sufficient fury empowers Renekton’s abilities with bonus effects, but this drains Fury. Out of combat, Renekton loses 5 Fury per second.
Piltover Peacemaker
Base damage changed to 20/65/110/155/200 from 40/70/100/130/160
Attack damage ratio increased to 1.3 from 1
Damage loss per unit increased to 10% from 6%
Maximum damage loss increased to 50% from 30%
Ace in the Hole
Base damage increased to 250/475/700 from 250/400/550
Now provides vision on the target for the duration and thus is not canceled when the target leaves line of sight
Fixed a bug where Ace in the Hole didn't scale from the Havoc mastery
Damage is now treated as a spell instead of an attack
No longer triggers hit effects like Blessing of the Lizard Elder
Now triggers spell hit effects like Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Cannot be dodged or blocked by Pantheon's Aegis Protection
Feast now loses half stacks (rounded up) instead of 3 stacks on death
Base mana reduced to 180 from 212
Mana per level increased to 42 from 38
Base damage reduced to 48 from 53
Damage per level increased to 3.3 from 2.9
Base armor reduced to 12.5 from 14.75
Hate Spike mana cost increased to 12/15/18/21/24 from 8/10/12/14/16
Shadow Walk duration reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 20/30/40/50/60
Shadow Walk cooldown reduced to 12/11/10/9/8 from 12 at all ranks upon breaking stealth
Malice and Spite duration reduced to 10 seconds from 15
Judgement bonus attack damage scaling increased to 1.2 from 1.0 per second
H28G Evolution Turret
Improved Turret AI so they will prioritize attacking Champions that attack Heimerdinger
Turrets now work on an ammo system (25 second ammo cooldown)
1 second placement cooldown
Levelup progression changed:
Rank 2 - places green turrets
Rank 3 - places 2 turrets
Rank 4 - +150 Health
Rank 5 - places red turrets
Fixed a bug where Upgraded!!! turrets would stop firing resistance piercing and area-effect shots
Turrets now gain 15 health per Heimerdinger level down from 21
Turret magic resistance increased to 80 from 60
Tooltip now references 'turrets' rather than 'towers.'
Now increases number of Hextech Micro Rockets to 5 while active
Now increases missile speed on Ch-1 Concussion Grenade to 1000 from 750 while active
Fixed a bug where Techmaturgical Repair Bots provided less health regeneration than stated
Leap Strike cooldown reduced to 13/11/9/7/5 from 17/14/11/8/5.
Counter Strike now shows a brighter particle when Jax has recently dodged an attack and Counter Strike is ready
Shunpo damage changed to 80/120/160/200/240 from 90/120/150/180/210
Mark of the Storm duration reduced to 8 seconds from 12
Electrical Surge range decreased to 800 from 825
Fixed a bug that caused Lux to have 0 base mana regen
Shield decay reduced to 3% from 5%
Base movement speed increased to 325 from 320
Siphoning Strike damage bonus per kill increased to 3 from 2
Fixed a bug where Undertow was dealing too much damage
Attack damage scaling increased to 0.5 from 0.3
Base damage reduced to 50/90/130/170/210 from 65/110/155/200/245
Aegis of Zeonia stun duration reduced to 0.7/0.9/1.1/1.3/1.5 from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds
Puncturing Taunt cooldown increased to 12 from 9
Ricochet bounce radius reduced to 450 from 500
Ricochet damage loss per bounce increased to 25% from 22%
Fixed a bug with Radiance where it would cause performance issues while on
Undying Rage duration reduced to 5 seconds from 6
Battle Fury passive critical chance increased to 10-50% from 0-50%
Base attack range increased to 500 from 475
Ambush duration reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 20/30/40/50/60
Ambush's attack speed bonus now reaches its maximum duration twice as fast
Blood Scent now properly remembers toggle state when you respawn
Xin Zhao
Three Talon Strike cooldown changed to 10 from 12/11/10/9/8
Crescent Sweep base damage reduced to 125/225/325 from 125/250/375
Chronoshift duration reduced to 10 seconds from 13
Chain Vest now shows 6 items it builds into instead of 5
Longsword upgrade paths updated
Wards no longer grant experience on death
Vision Ward cost reduced to 125 from 150
Rabadon's Deathcap cost increased to 3400 from 3300
Black Cleaver now appears in the Attack Speed tab
Now provides all of its benefit at level 1 rather than half at level 1 and the other half scaling up to level 18
Fixed bugs where Ardor was not counting Ability Power and Attack Speed from many sources - essentially anything that wasn't an item
Fixed a bug where Ardor and Zhonya's Ring/Rabadon's Deathcap were double multiplicative
Clarified the tooltip
We have changed how critical strike and dodge chance work. You will now get fewer ‘lucky’ or ‘unlucky’ streaks where you get no critical hits/dodges in a row, or a lot of them in a row. Your average chance to get a crit is the same as before though – if you have a 50% crit rate, and you make 100 attacks, you’ll still crit about 50 times.
Baron's Wrath of the Ancients spell no longer targets stealthed units
Jungle monsters that previously had negative magic resistance now have magic resistance of zero
Monster camps will now properly updated when scouted with vision
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