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Ежегодный фотоконкурс Детского фонда ООН (UNICEF)

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The Wolf,who fell in love with The Angel
The Wolf,who fell in love with The Angel

Возраст: 41
Зарегистрирован: 31.01.2006
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Откуда: Санкт-Петербург

СообщениеДобавлено: 29 Октябрь, 2009 13:10    Заголовок сообщения: Ежегодный фотоконкурс Детского фонда ООН (UNICEF) Ответить с цитатой

UNICEF’s Child Photograph of the Year Award
Ежегодный фотоконкурс Детского фонда ООН (UNICEF)
Как живется детям нашей эпохи?...

1)Всегда смотрите не первую фото, которая выложена, а весь цикл, который лежит по ссылке, каждый цикл не более 5-10 фотографий, но я вам гарантирую ощущение он увиденного будет другое и гораздо сильнее.
2)Если вы знаете английский язык рекомендую к прочтению английский вариант очерков по фото, так как они более полные, а переводить сейчас ничего не буду.

Начну с того конкурса на который я как раз и напоролся в сети и который мне показался интереснее итогов последнего 2008 года.

Детский фонд ООН (UNICEF) подвел итоги своего ежегодного фотоконкурса 2007 год

1st Prize for Stephanie Sinclair Child brides (Детские браки)

Photo: Stephanie Sinclair, USA, Freeleance Photographer

He's forty, she's eleven. And they are a couple - the Afghan man Mohammed F.* and the child Ghulam H.*. "We needed the money", Ghulam's parents said. Faiz claims he is going to send her to school. But the women of Damarda village in Afghanistan's Ghor province know better: "Our men don't want educated women." They predict that Ghulam will be married within a few weeks after her engagement in 2006, so as to bear children for Faiz.

During her stay in Afghanistan, it consistently struck American photographer Stephanie Sinclair how many young girls are married to much older men. She decided to raise awareness about this topic with her pictures. Particularly as the official minimum age for brides in Afghanistan is sixteen and it is therefore illegal to marry children.

Early marriages are not only a problem in Afghanistan: worldwide there are about 51 million girls aged between 15 and 19 years who are forced into marriage. The youngest brides live in the Indian state of Rajasthan, where 15% of all wives are not even 10 years old when they are married. Child marriages are a reaction to extreme poverty and mainly take place in Asian and African regions where poor families see their daughters as a burden and as second-class citizens. Already in their younger years, girls are given into the "care" of a husband, a tradition that often leads to exploitation. Many girls become victims of domestic violence. In an Egyptian survey, about one-third of the interviewed child brides stated that they were beaten by their husbands. The young brides are under pressure to prove their fertility as soon as possible. But the risk for girls between the ages of 10 and 14 not to survive pregnancy is five times higher than for adult women. Every year, about 150,000 pregnant teenagers die due to complications - in particular due to a lack of medical care, let alone sex education.

For her project, Stephanie Sinclair also traveled to Nepal and Ethiopia. She wants to do research on the topic of child marriage in other regions as well and then publish a book on the issue.

Победителем стала фотография американского фотожурналиста Стефании Синлейр, сделанная ей в Афганистане. На снимке - 40-летний Мухаммед Фаиз и его новая жена - 11-летняя Гулам Хайдер. Родители продали её в жены Мухаммеду, чтобы заработать немного денег. Такие браки в Афганистане - совсем не редкость. Несмотря на то, что по закону в стране можно выходить замуж и жениться с 16 лет, тысячи детей отданы родителями в жены обеспеченным афганцам. Однако, ранние браки - это проблема не только Афганистана. В индийском штате Раджастан 15% женщин стали женами в возрасте до десяти лет. По данным UNICEF в мире насчитывается около пятидесяти одного миллиона девушек в возрасте от 15 до 19 лет, которые были вынуждены выйти замуж, вопреки своей воле. Риск умереть во время беременности для девочек от 10 до 14 лет по сравнению с взрослыми женщинами выше в пять раз. Ежегодно от осложнений при беременности умирает более 150 000 подростков.

2nd Prize for G M B Akash Child Labor in Bangladesh (Детский труд в Бангладеше)

Photo: G M B (Golam Mostofa Bhuiya) Akash, Bangladesh, Freelance Photographer, Panos Pictures

According to UNICEF estimates, about 3.3 million children in Bangladesh are involved in child labor - almost 20% of the working population, despite efforts during the 1990s to ban child labor in the textile industry. Many children are forced to carry out hazardous work with dangerous chemicals in paint shops, workshops and tanneries. A child worker receives 60 Taka per day (less than 1 Dollar), about one-third of the regular wage for adults. Factory owners prefer to employ children, thereby keeping trade unions out of their factories. By entering the labor market at such an early age, children have no chance of getting an education and consequently no chance of getting better-paid jobs.

The photographer G.M.B. Akash grew up in Bangladesh and has been working as a professional photographer since 2002. He first and foremost watches people on the margins of his country's society. With his camera, he tries to document their right to exist, hoping that his pictures give them dignity and raise awareness for their difficult situation.

Второе место в конкурсе заняла фотография из Бангладеша. На снимке фотографа Голама Акаша - рабочие будни на кирпичной фабрике, где вместе со взрослыми трудятся и дети. В Бангладеш работают 3,3 миллиона детей - около 20% всей рабочей силы в стране. Ребенок получает только треть от заработка взрослого рабочего - меньше доллара в день.

3rd Prize for Hartmut Schwarzbach Smokey Mountain - Children of a charcoal burners' camp in Manila (Дымящиеся горы - Дети из лагеря углежогов в Маниле)

Photo: Hartmut Schwarzbach, Germany, ARGUS

On her ninth birthday, Annalyn S.* was photographed by German photographer Hartmut Schwarzbach, happily jumping on a red sofa that she had found on the garbage dump near the city of Manila (Philippines). It has been three years now that Annalyn and her family have lived beside Manila's enormous garbage dump called "Aroma Smokey Mountain". That's where her family lives in a charcoal burners' camp.

Like most other children in this camp, Annalyn has to search for wood among the garbage every day, bring it to an oven and monitor the charcoal production amidst acrid smoke and unbearable heat. Together with her siblings and parents, she has to bring thousands of liters of water to extinguish the fire and collect the finished charcoal. The family has to hand over most of their yield to the local mafia.

Like almost all children here, Annalyn is malnourished and thus much too skinny and small for her age. She looks like a five-year-old. Many of the children can neither read nor write and do not attend any school. One day, Annalyn wants to be a teacher.

На третьем месте снимок немецкого фотографа Хартмута Шварцбаха. Он сделал фотографию девятилетней Анналин в день её рождения, который девочка отмечает на мусорной свалке рядом со столицей Филлипин Манилой. Здесь Анналин живет вместе со своей семьей уже три года. Она собирает мусор из дерева, который её семья пережигает в древесный уголь для продажи. Большая часть их заработка уходит в карман местной мафии.

Так же получили поощрительные премии получили поощрительные премии.

Crimes and their results (Преступления и их результаты)

Jonathan Torgovnik, Israel, Newsweek Magazin

"The soldier came at night. He said I was not the first he had raped. He was brutal. He pierced my leg with a spear and then raped me for four hours. He came again on six nights in a row. Why I love the first daughter more is because I gave birth to her as a result of love. The father was my husband. The second girl is a result of an unwanted circumstance (rape)."
Joseline I.* (37, HIV+) with her daughter Leah B.* (12)

"I never loved the child. I have to force myself to love him. But he makes it impossible. He behaves like a street child. He is a bad boy. I don't tell him that I don't love him. It's in his blood:"
Claudin M.* (26) and her son Jeandediue U.* (12)

"When I was pregnant, I wanted to die. I tried to kill myself. Then I became afraid. I thought about having the baby and then killing it. But when he was born, I immediately loved him. He was so beautiful. I could not kill him. I will always love my son.
Annasalie M.* (34, HIV+) and her son Prince R.* (12, HIV+)

For his project, Jonathan Torgovnik wanted to find 50 women who were raped during the Rwandan genocide 13 years ago and who gave birth to a child as a result of that rape.

У этой женщины двое детей, один из них - от любимого мужа, ожидаемый ребенок, другой появился в результате жестокого изнасилования во времена геноцида 13 лет назад, и таких женщин немало в тех краях, дети - результат насилия, как научиться любить их, ведь они ни в чем не виноваты.

Life in Gaza (Жизнь в Секторе Газа)

Hatem Moussa, Palestine, Associated Press (AP)

For years now, raids, death and destruction have been a part of everyday life in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. On 10 April 2006, bombs destroyed a house in the city of Beit Lahiya in the Northern part of the region. An eight-year-old child was killed in the attack and a further 13 children between the age of 1 and 17 were severely wounded.

UNICEF supports schools, youth centers and kindergartens in Palestinian areas, in order to get kids off the streets. The aim is to provide space for fun and games amidst the everyday violence - space for peace education and learning, providing the young generation with better perspectives to solve conflicts peacefully. In light of the dramatic development in 2007, UNICEF also sent pharmaceuticals and vaccines against measles, mumps, rubella and tuberculosis to the Gaza Strip to prevent an outbreak of dangerous diseases among the children. In addition, UNICEF campaigned to preserve and maintain the drinking water supply for the population who were literally cut off from the outside world. Two out of three families in Gaza live below the poverty line. In the Palestinian areas, 10% of all children are stunted due to chronic malnutrition.

The photographer Hatem Moussa grew up in the Gaza Strip and has been working there since 1998. His pictures show the effects of the ongoing conflict on the civilian population.

Жизнь в Секторе Газа - это постоянные набеги, смерти, разрушения на протяжении многих лет. 10 апреля 2006 года бомбы разрушили дом в северной части города. Восьми-летний ребенок был убит на месте, 13 детей в возрасте от 1 до 17 лет были тяжело ранены.
Детский фонд ООН ведет все возможные работы в Палестине, чтобы подобрать детей-сирот с улиц, с целью подарить этим ребятишкам заботу, любовь, кусочек мирной жизни. Две трети семей в Палестине живут ниже черты бедности, и 10% детей ослаблены изза хронического недоедания.

Children Watching TV (Дети Перед Телевизором)

Wolfram Hahn, Germany, Student FH Potsdam

Transfixed little faces, empty stares, doll-like figures. The photographer Wolfram Hahn took pictures of German children between 3 and 12 years while watching TV. If you watch adults watching TV, you might still laugh at their oafish expressions. But if children sit in front of the tube for hours and hours, drowning in apathy, they look like eerie little puppets bereft of all spirit.

"Our modern media society has little demand for active comprehension. With its one way communication, TV rather puts the viewer into a state of mental paralysis," explains Hahn. With his pictures, he tries to capture this state.

Nowadays, TV has become a normal part of most children's everyday life. It is therefore all the more important that children's television is not only suitable for children but also fulfils one essential children's right: the right of participation. On the occasion of the International Children's Television Day on Sunday 9 December, UNICEF therefore called upon TV stations worldwide to attach greater importance to children.

Фотограф Вольфрам Хан снимал немецких детей от 3-х до 12 лет во время просмотра ими телевизора. Если понаблюдать над взрослыми с их придурковатым видом, когда они смотрят ящик, еще можно посмеяться, но когда дети седят перед телевизором часами напролет, то это ужасающе. Они напоминают жутких марионеток лишенных каких либо интересов и чувств.. В настоящее время телевидение стало частью жизни современных детей и очень важно для лиц, принимающих участие в телевещании, нести ответственность за получаемую ими информацию. Поэтому необходимо создавать больше направленных на детей развлекательных передач, в которых они бы могли не отходя от телевизора принимать участие, получать развитие.

A Mother's Journey(Путь Матери)

Renee C. Byer, USA, The Sacramento Bee

Cyndie F.* life in Sacramento (California) was never easy: five children, three divorces. In November 2004, 39 year-old Cyndie was told that her youngest son Derek (10 years) had been diagnosed with cancer. Little Derek was suffering from Neuroblastoma, a cancer that begins in the nerve tissue and then spreads through the whole body. From this day on, Cyndie developed unbelievable strength. Until Derek's death in May 2006, she accompanied him on his difficult journey - with love, courage and the almost inexhaustible power of a mother.

The American photographer Renee C. Byer accompanied the single mother on her difficult journey. In 2007, she received the renowned Pulitzer Prize for her work.

Синди Ф., живущей в Сакраменто, Калифорния, не было никогда легко, пятеро детей, три развода. А в ноябре 2004-го года у самого младшего сына 39-летней Синди обнаруживается рак. Маленький сын Дерек страдал сначала от рака в нервной ткани, а потом болезнь начала поражать все тело. Все эти дни Синди проявляла неимоверную силу во спасение сына.Она сопровождала сына повсюду до самой смерти в мае 2006-го, пыталась ему дать больше любви и заботы.

Pain Threshold (Порог Боли)
[img]http://www.unicef.de/foto/2007/bilder/Nir Elias 000110.JPG[/img]
Nir Elias, Israel, Reuters

Boys hang on a bar for five minutes as part of a training session at the Gymnastics Hall of the Shanghai University of Sports, August 7, 2007. Students of the gymnastics class of Yangpu District Youth Sports School are all aged 5 to 9. China's future Olympic hopefuls train at one of the thousands of provincial sports schools around the country. Even though these athletes might be too young to make the 2008 Beijing Games, they harbour dreams of winning Olympic gold in London 2012 or beyond.

Since 2006, Shanghai based photographer Nir Elias has been photographing the training of Chinese boys and girls in various sporting disciplines.

Мальчики висят на канате в течение 5 минут как часть процесса обучения их в зале гимнастики Университета Спортивных состязаний Шанхая, 7 августа, 2007 года. Все студенты класса гимнастики Янгфу Молодежной школы Спортивных состязаний - все в возрасте от 5 до 9 лет. Будущие Олимпийские претенденты Китая обучаются в одной из тысяч провинциальных спортивных школ по всей стране. Даже при том, что эти атлеты не успеют поучаствовать в Пекинских олимпийских играх - 2008 по причине своего малого возраста, на них уже полагают большие надежды в завоевании золота в Лондоне в 2012-м... и позже.

A House of Hope (Дом Надежды)

Finbarr O`Reilly, UK & Canada, Reuters

The British/Canadian photographer Finbarr O'Reilly was in the city of Kinshasa in crisis-ridden Congo (DRC). After another tense day of photographing riots, mob violence and gun battles, he accidentally comes across a home for girls and boys crippled by polio. It is a quiet house, almost introspective. For him it is like an oasis of hope, unity and optimism in a vast country marked by despair.

The children listen to music at ear-splitting volume and run around the courtyard on their crutches chasing a lump of old rags sewn together to be used as a football. The photographer puts down his camera to join in. "Woah, mondele (white man) you must play harder!" the kids taunt him.

At night, most of the children sleep curled together without blankets on hard tiles. But at least they are safe. The "International Polio Victims Response Committee" uses its limited means to take care of the approx. 100 children.

On the last day of his visit, the photographer throws a party for the children. Using a digital projector, he gives the kids a slideshow of photos he has taken. Their cheers are the reward for his work. The laughter, dancing and singing go on late into the night.

In some countries, polio still threatens the life and health of children, although there has been widespread success in the fight against the virus thanks to mass vaccinations. In order to fully eradicate the virus, it is of vital importance to vaccinate in particular children in remote or conflict-ridden areas.

Британский фотограф Финбарр О'Релли был в городе Киншаса в охваченном кризисом Конго. После напряженного дня съемки бунтов и сражений вооруженной толпы, он случайно забрел в дом детей пораженных полиомиелитом. Это тихий дом явился ему оазисом надежды, единства и оптимизма этой страны. Дети слушали оглушительную музыку, бегали по внутреннему двору с помощью своих сподручных опор и приспособлений, и играли в футбол с комом тряпья, исполняющего для них функцию мяча. Фотограф опускал временами свою камеру, чтобы присоединиться к ним. "О, белый человек, вы должны играть лучше! " - подкалывали дети его . Ночь дети проводили на твердых плитах без одеял.

Chechnya's Forgotten Children (Забытые дети Чечни)

Musa Sadulayew, Chechenya, Associated Press (AP)

Officially, the war is over. But what has changed for the children in Chechnya, in its capital Grozny, in its villages and the refugee camps of neighboring Ingushetia? Although Grozny's streets are now gleaming in renewed splendor, most of its citizens still suffer from hunger and cold - and even more from the traumas of an endless war. Nevertheless, the hope of the "forgotten generation" is visibly blossoming - in dance ensembles, schools and sports clubs. Chechnya's people desperately struggle for some kind of normality.

The pictures of Chechen photographer Musa Sadulayew show both sides: destruction and rebuilding, despair and hope, resignation and a new beginning. For many years now, he has accompanied the everyday life of children in his home country.

Официально в Чечне война закончена. Хотя улицы Грозного сверкают сейчас в обновленном блеске, отголоски войны еще долго будут блуждать по тем местам и большинство его граждан страдают от голода, холода, отсутствия крова. Однако надежда насчет "забытого поколения" еще не угасла, для детей создается много кружков танца, школы, спортивные клубы. Картины чеченского фотографа Мусы Садулаева показывают соприкосновение двух сторон жизни: разрушения и восстановления, отчаяния и надежды.

Sumo boys(Мальчики Сумоисты)

Steven Achiam, Denmark, Student, Danish School of Journalism

Hideo is fourteen years old and wants to be become one of the Japanese emperor's bodyguards. For this, he needs martial arts experience. His mother takes care of him and makes sure that her boy eats vegetables four times a day and also one-two kilos of meat, five eggs and four large bowls of rice. After his bed broke under his weight, he now sleeps on the floor.

"The best part of Sumo training is that I can throw others to the floor", says eleven-year-old Kenta. "Now I am fat and strong. Before, I was only fat."

Many Japanese parents regard Sumo training as a school for life - just like ballet. Sumo is not only a game; it is a lifestyle that is highly respected by the population. It is also about big money. Approx. 12 million tickets for Sumo fights are sold every year, contributing to the little fighters' fame. It is their reward for countless painful hours in training sessions. But life as a Sumo wrestler also goes hand in hand with a lower life expectancy. On average, a Sumo lives about ten years less than an average Japanese citizen.

PS: Не знаю как оценивали эти фотографии, как мне кажется во многом был в угол критерия выведена актуально проблемы такой как детский брак скажем. Если посмотреть циклы целиком, то самые врезающиеся в память это Дымящие Горы, Путь Матери и Дом Надежды имхо
Hikari WoE|MvP|PvM 99/68 High Wizard {Roses}
Хикару - ацкий смит барыга {Trading Roses} GoldenGirl - ацкий мерк барыга {GM Witherless Roses}

Мы забытое поколение, которое любит "пихать кнопки компа, жрать чипсы и пить пиво на тусовках"(С) Neaxion
"Человек - это часть целого, которое мы называем Вселенной, часть, ограниченная во времени и в пространстве"(C) Альберт Эйнштейн

И не сомкнуть кольцо седых холмов, И узок путь по лезвию дождя, И не ищи - ты не найдешь следов, Что Воин Вереска оставил, уходя.
Воин Вереска(C)Хэлависа группа Мельница
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